Thursday, April 3, 2008

We've Moved

We moved into our new place on Saturday. It's taken a few days, but things are finally coming together. Our furniture arrived from IKEA on Monday; only two more pieces left to assemble. I've never seen so many cardboard boxes. Next step, replenishing Goodwill.


Sutton Family said...

Hey- We're thinking of coming for a visit in May. You guys up for a Sutton invasion?

. said...

Yipee! Congratulations to you guys, and are you still working Ashley? Can't wait for th eupcoming pictures of your place and all your Ikea furniture.

Jennelle said...

How are ya? Saw you on Whitneys blog. It's so exciting that you are prego...I love it! Hope the moving hasn't been too awful. How long did it take you to put together all of your Ikea stuffs...I swear I am such a retard when i comes to that sort of thing.