Friday, September 12, 2008

Catching Up

My parents showed up last Thursday for a little visit and to participate in Van's blessing. It was my Dad's first time seeing Van.
My brother Tony was able to take some time off work and join in on the fun. He arrived early Saturday morning.
We were so grateful for the little outfit that my mom brought for Van's special day. He looked so cute and snugly.We had lots of support from Spencer's family as well. James and Tracy came down with the kids and Sarah came from Vancouver.
After all the guests had gone home, little Van went down for his nap. Tony joined him.Later that evening we decided to go to Kerry Park and watch the sunset on the great Seattle skyline; so beautiful.My parents went home Monday morning. So while Spencer worked, Tony and I took Van to the city. A couple of our stops were Gasworks Park and Pike Place Market.We were really glad Tony was able to stay a few days and hang out with us. He's a fabulous uncle.


i {heart} hawkes said...

i love the tuft on top!

. said...

Those are great pictures. Looks like you guys had a wonderful weekend, makes me want to move to Seattle.

ThE RaSmUsSeN's said...

That's so awesome that you were able to have so many of your family come. I love his little smile in the most recent pictures!