Thursday, July 3, 2008

Strange Dreams

Last night I dreamt about some really random things . . . decaying molars, BYU-Hawaii graduation, Japanese tourists, American Olympic apparel, and student body officers from high school. Weird.


. said...

Oh I hate rotting teeth dreams! I am so disturbed by them. BTW we just used open table, woot, woot!

Whitney said...

That sounds alot like my dreams. I have random dreams all of the time and Mark thinks i make them up when i am telling him about them.

Pregnant dreams are the wierdest though.

Ron said...

Is this a prophetic dream reserved for expectant mothers that indicates your little one will be a student leader, who later attends BYUH and then serves a mission in Japan before becoming a dentist?

Sutton Family said...

I dream about my teeth falling out all the time- and I heard that dreams of your teeth going bad are related to financial worries. don't know what the other ones mean, though! It very well could be the dentist prophecy of ron- who knows!

Sutton Family said...

oh, and by the way- i love the picture you found for this post!