Friday, February 22, 2008

20 Weeks

Here are some pics for those of you who were wondering. I'm half way there! We get to see the little guy again on Monday.


kelsey said...

What a cute belly. I knew you would be a cute pregnant person.

i {heart} hawkes said...

you look adorable! i can't wait until you visit in about 6 weeks...

Sutton Family said...

So cute!!! Half way there- my goodness, time flys... So, have you decided yet what kind of birth you're aiming for?? If I had to do it again, I'd go for one in which I didn't have to be there... j/k! I'd try a water one- I hear they are great. Wish you guys were closer!

ThE RaSmUsSeN's said...

You look great! I was reading Ellie's comment, and thought i'd suggest hypnobirthing, if you haven't looked into it. It worked good for me...until they decided she wasn't coming out and I had a c-section. But that's because she was huge!!

Kate said...

barely a bump! love the hair and your baby belly.

. said...

You look really great Ashley. I love stripes and baby bumps!

Ashley said...

I've actually been curious about a water birth, I'm not sure if they do that where I'll be delivery though. I've known some people who did hypnobirthing, but I don't know if I'm quite sold on it.

kelsey said...

Where are you delivering? There are lots of midwives in the area at great birthing centers that are covered by most insurance and cheaper than the hospital... I can give you names if you want :)

Stephanie said...

hi ashley- congratulaitons on your pregnancy and on being a really cute pregnant lady! i love your blog and all the beautiful images.

Wick's said...

It's crazy who you can find on blogs... Congrats! Your dad told me you were expecting. Every time I see your dad at work when I am visiting SLC he tells me how excited he is for his grandbabies. I'm excited for you! Take care.

Whitney said...

You look great Ashley...i miss you and your belly...even though i never got to meet it in person. I hope you are doing good. I love the pictures you put on your blog. You have a great sense of style. Where are you working and what is going on? I guess i can just read your blog and find out, but i want to hear from you. bye.